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what nourishes me

my mother's womb .

my mother's voice.

the sound of rain on the windows while on the edge of a good night's sleep.

the smell of wet soil, and gum leaves, and wind.

my Country.

the feeling of sand between my toes.

a really good book.

sipping tea on a cold morning.

an entire tub of Haagen Dazs icecream after a hard day.

the colour blue.

the wind on my face.

the taste of vanilla.

my best friend's embrace.

the thought of an Indigenous woman running our country, and the hope that might happen.

taking my heels off after a loooong night out dancing.

a glass of ice cold water after a run.

a big ol' cry.

the kind of people that hold you while you cry.

the kind of people that make you forget why you were crying.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

my brother's car pulling into the driveway.

my brother's car leaving the driveway.

cooking jaffles with Dad over the fire.

watching him stoke the fire with a beer in his hand and concentration on his face.

mum playing with my hair on the couch.

time spent on Country.

time spent at home.

cups of tea with a friend, on the balcony, warm and safe while an electrical storm booms overhead.

being gentle with animals and them nuzzling into my hand.

my family beside me.

my ancestors behind me.

their blood and sacrifice beneath the soles of my feet.

the fact that I get to live this life, just because they fought for me.

their memories.

their suffering.

their strength and pride.

their love.

their stories.




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